How it Started

Spilled Milk was founded in 2022 by two first-time moms who launched the brand with a Diaper Emergency Kit, designed to tackle the inevitable messes that come with having a baby. However, after extensive research into baby brands for their own kids, Sarah & Jaime realized they wanted to create something bigger.

Our Parenting Mantra

As new parents, we felt overwhelmed by the endless options and decisions surrounding cribs, diapers, and baby clothes. We adopted the parenting philosophy of "Perfectly Imperfect" and founded Spilled Milk to help other parents feel less stressed. Our company provides a thoughtfully curated selection of their favorite mom and baby products, alongside trusted brands they rely on for their own children.

Quality over quantity

Spilled Milk partners with brands that prioritize quality over quantity, strive for innovative design, and celebrate the parenting community and all of its imperfections. The team at Spilled Milk wants parents to feel empowered to be themselves, knowing that parenting is not about being perfect but about enjoying the experience. With Spilled Milk, having a stylish and happy baby should be effortless and enjoyable, not stressful!
